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Εstablished in 2002, the Open University Cyprus (OUC) aims to fill an important gap in the Cypriot higher education system, offering accredited distance learning degrees at all levels (undergraduate, master and doctoral). Building on its origins as the country’s only University dedicated to distance education, OUC is growing quickly in academic stature and overall reputation. Today’s challenging realities have widened OUC’s horizons, helping to bring Cyprus near towards its strategic goal: to be established as a regional educational and research center and hub for international scholars and students alike in the Eastern Mediterranean basin.


In OUC, constraints such as time, local limitations, age, occupational status, or family responsibilities, are lessened and cease to function as inhibitory towards the creation of an appropriate learning environment. All the study programmes offered by the Open University of Cyprus are based on modern educational systems, new technological advancements, and refined ground for the interested participants, at all levels (undergraduate, postgraduate, and training in the context of lifelong learning). OUC is equivalent to any other recognized university in the world, regardless of its educational methodology (conventional or distance learning).


The Open University of Cyprus is dually oriented toward both the domestic and international educational communities and their activities and goals.The academic programmes offered by OUC are international, well planned and career-oriented to correspond to the country's needs and meet the demands of its students by upgrading knowledge and expertise, according to their aspirations and ambitions. OUC is proud to be a University that is entirely synchronized with the European Credit Transfer System ECTS, and that enhances the mobility of its students and the inter-relationship with other conventional universities.


Furthermore, along with its educational role, the OUC also focuses on the development of research and the enhancement of research programs; through its publications on innovative results which have an impact on relevant scientific areas. Since its establishment, OUC has emphasized the vital importance of research for promoting the University in the international scientific community, while also actively pursuing interaction with scientific organizations and professional associations.


Finally, through its social activities and commitment to connect with society, OUC envisions its role as an inspiring educational institution. An innovative, open university that offers a stimulating environment for students, staff and alumni noted for promoting culture and collaboration with its neighboring countries.


Efstathios Mavrotheris joined the Open University of Cyprus in 2007 as Head of the Information and Communications Technologies Department. In this capacity he has been responsible for the overall strategic planning and implementation of the University’s ICT infrastructure. Placing a special emphasis on the development of e-Learning platforms, tools and services, he has led the establishment of an integrated e-Learning environment and has successfully facilitated its utilization by all Programs of Study at the University, for all aspects of teaching and learning. Currently, he is the coordinatior of a €7 million ESF Program for the development of educational content for e-Learning, and a €4 million ERDF Program for the development of University ICT infrastructures.


Dr. Christos Rodosthenous holds a Ph.D. in Information and Communication Systems, with specialization in Computational Cognition / Artificial Intelligence, from the Open University of Cyprus (OUC). He also holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics with a major in Computational Mathematics and Informatics and an M.Sc. in Computational Mathematics and Informatics in Education with a major in Information Technologies and Communications in Education, both from University of Patras, Greece. His research contributes to key areas of Artificial Intelligence, Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition and reasoning,  Natural Language Understanding, Story Understanding, Crowdsourcing, eLearning and new technologies and Trends in distance education. Currently, he works at the Information Systems and Technology Services of the Cyprus University of Technology. He previously worked at the eLearning and Digital Content Management Sector at the Open University of Cyprus and the Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”. He is involved in numerous National and European projects involving eLearning technologies, distance education, Web Portals, Digital repositories, Open Access and Open Data initiatives.


Project No.: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082258


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This Website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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