Antonio Bautista presented his final degree project entitled "Smartceta: a system for measuring basic values of a plants using IoT". The system designed and implemented by Antonio returns the numerical values of the sensors on the display of the system itself and also on the data visualization panel. In addition, he offers a metaphor indicating the "mood" state of the plant considering the soil moisture. Antonio obtained the highest grade. Congratulations Antonio!

His work is freely available in the university repository.
Bautista Santos-Olmo, Antonio (2022). Smartceta: sistema de medición de valores básicos de una planta utilizando IoT. Proyecto Fin de Carrera / Trabajo Fin de Grado, E.T.S.I. de Sistemas Informáticos (UPM), Madrid. Available at
Watch this short 1 min video below to see it in action:
