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TEASPILS @ moodlemoot 

moodlemoot Greece 2021 - TEASPILS Workshop

Friday 26 November 2021 | 16:30-19:00 (EET) | on-line

A Cyprus-Greek workshop organised in the context of the moodlemoot Greece 2021 with the participation of the TEASPILS project partner consortium. 

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Δωρεαν Παρακολούθηση




About the workshop

This Workshop will present the innovative work of the Erasmus+ Project Teaspils (, which explores the utilization of IoT interventions in teaching and learning for Environmental Education courses in Secondary Education.

Register (required) HERE.

Whole conference program HERE.

The Workshop will include presentations and discussions of key aspects of the work being developed, such as:

• An overview of a Moodle-based SPOC Pilot designed to foster environmental awareness in schools
• A remote presentation of the prototype smart IoT planter with various built-in sensors which will automatically collect data in learning spaces
• Views of selected learning analytics and a planned visualisation dashboard to show selected sensor data via mobile/web apps
• Future plans for a Moodle-based MOOC, utilizing a number of gamification elements,r egarding the use of smart IoT planters in learning spaces
• An emerging gamification framework that will utilise digital sensor evidence for pedagogic environmental awareness and its application in the SPOC pilot course.

- Welcome (OUC, Doukas School)
- Teaspils Overview (Bernardo Tabuenca, UPM)
- Smart IoT planters (SPIKE)
- Online Visualization Tools (Ariel Ortiz Beltran, UPF)
- Using Moodle to Design a SPOC and steps towards a MOOC (Veronica Hager, HAUP)
- Towards a Gamification Framework for Environmental Education utilizing Moodle based tools and activities (Stathis Mavrotheris, Christos Rodosthenous, OUC)
- Learning Analytics (Wolfgang Greller, PhWien)
- TEASPILS eCommunity (Thomas Economou, Elpi Margaritti, DOU)
* Using Moodle, blogs, social media, ildeplus, eTwinning in supporting the exchange of ideas and relevant practices
- Upcoming pilot Utilising a Quality Assurance Framework application (Thomas Economou, Elpi Margaritti, DOU)
- Wrap up - Next steps - closing (OUC, DOU)

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