Piloting Teaspils in a school in Carinthia
Pupils piloted Teaspils in an agricultural school in Carinthia. Therefor an interdisciplinary approach was taken and Teaspils was used in...

TEASPILS Bachelor Theses: Effects of greening learning spaces on students at HAUP
The bachelor thesis examines the subjective impact of greened classrooms on concentration, mental and physical wellbeing such as the...

TEASPILS Bachelor Theses: Green classrooms for a healthy learning environment
The bachelor thesis deals with the interior greening of a classroom at the Ehrental Education Centre and the use of measurements to...

New final degree presented: Voice assistant for monitoring the status of plants
Yesterday, April 14th, 2023, Hongyan Xie and Dina Shen presented their final degree project: The voice assistant for monitoring the...